Marketing Insights from Symphonix

New Office, Who Dis...?

Written by Dick Costa | Feb 14, 2024 10:08:21 PM

We Are Growing and So Is Our Office Space

We love helping our clients succeed and grow profitably. Through the years, Symphonix has maintained a simple mantra regarding client service: "Whatever it takes." We exist to help our clients succeed. Fortunately, our clients' growth has resulted in the growth of our team.

After experiencing our service levels, it is common for our clients to ask a common question: "Can Symphonix help us with (fill in the blank). Can you help us with our conference, quarterly marketing campaign, employee thank you kits, new product rollout, direct mail, sales recognition, etc.)." To keep up with the demand, Symphonix has diligently recruited some fantastic new talent who have allowed us to expand our available services. Simply put, we have outgrown our current spaceā€”it is time to move.

The New Digs

Well, lucky us, we're not moving far. It's just next door! We have become attached to our cozy nook in Uptown Charlotte, and we are fortunate enough to find a spot on the same block. This newly renovated, modern industrial space will have more room for us to expand and is a blank canvas that we can make our own.

Measurements have been taken, designs are approved, and the print presses are running to deliver custom artwork (thanks to our Creative Services team and incredible partners) on almost every wall. We are also building a showroom to host some of our client work, print samples, and popular new apparel and promo items.

The Execution

Moving offices can seem like a daunting task. There are so many moving parts and details. There's a lot to consider:

  • When do we get our keys?
  • Where do we park?
  • Have we scheduled client coverage?
  • Where do we sit?
  • Have you seen my stapler? 

We're in good hands.

Our account teams are nothing short of experts in event planning and logistics since they do it daily for our clients.

In a way, an office move is much like a marketing campaign. Set clear goals, roles, and responsibilities. Outline your plan, and when it's time to execute, stay flexible so you can handle any changes that may arise.

We are excited about our new space and the extra elbow room. Once we get settled, we would love to show you around. Please experience our new showroom, where we invite you to touch and feel the products.

Explore our new artwork that demonstrates how we can help your office come alive. Reserve our large conference so your team can escape your home office to dream and brainstorm. Drop by for an impromptu happy hour and blow off some steam. You are always welcome.

Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change. We look forward to helping our clients do all those things. "Whatever it takes" remains our promise to help our clients win!

The new Symphonix HQ:

619 S. Cedar Street
Suite H
Charlotte, NC 28202