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Variable Price Menu Board Automation

The Situation

The Take 5 Oil Change Field Marketing Team is the conduit between the corporate team and the individual shops. Their team manages Grand Openings, one-off marketing requests and larger overarching marketing initiatives across the system of 1,000+ locations and growing.

With the 20% year over year growth from 2020 – 2023, the volume of individual requests that the field team receives is significant. In particular, when launching new locations, Menu Boards need to be produced for each store. The pricing for these boards varies per location, as it can be set by each individual Franchise Group.

This ordering process was completely manual with each menu board order taking on average 3-4 hours to complete. There were approximately 19 different action points across multiple parties including:

  • Gathering pricing from the franchisee

  • Sending pricing to the designer to version

  • Sending proofs for approval

  • Collecting payment and shipping info


The Execution

The Symphonix team built custom dynamic templates of the Large and Small Menu Boards from the provided brand compliant art files. Through project kick-off conversations, the templates were built to account for not only current needs, but also possible changes in the future. In addition to implementing marketing automation for the Menu Boards, the Symphonix team also developed an ordering guide for the franchisees to teach the end users this new process.


Manual Process

  • Touch points: 19
  • Manual order confirmation
    • Manually posting tracking for recipient
    • Processing payments
    • Multiple proofing touchpoints

Average time per order

3-4 hours

Automated Process

  • Touch points: 5
  • Automated order confirmation
    • Includes tracking
    • CC processing online
    • Immediate proofing

Average time per order

15-20 minutes



The Symphonix Solution

The Symphonix Team has managed the production of the Take 5 Oil Change menu boards since 2017 and in discussing the franchisee order process and the pain points surrounding it, the team developed a plan to automate the franchisee menu board ordering process.

We recommended using custom dynamic templates that would allow each franchisee to:

  • Enter their specific price points
  • Generate a live proof
  • Check out online with a secure payment process
  • Save their version history to their account making future orders faster

Since the template for the menu board is pre-approved creative from corporate, the marketing team enabled their franchisees place their own orders, while maintaining compliance with brand standards.

"Moving the Franchisee Menu Board ordering process online has been a huge win for my team. Not only does this save time for my team, it also removed some of the human error that can occur when passing information from person to person."

- Frances Ralston, Director of Field Marketing Take 5 Oil Change

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