Meet the Team!
You'll love working with our team.
We reduce workload and headaches associated with the complex management and distribution of your branded assets by being an extension of your team.
From ideation to execution, our job is to make yours easier by ensuring consistency while taking your brand to the next level.
Managing Partners

Andy Barksdale
Managing Partner, Client Champion, Head of Vendor Appreciation
(a.k.a. Yard Man)
Likes: Family, UGA Football, Fly Fishing, Muscadine Grower, Mediocre Tennis Player, Future Eucalyptus Didgeridoo Player
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
-- Albert Einstein

J.T. Smith
Managing Partner, Problem Solver, Chief Curiosity Officer
(a.k.a. “The Toy” a la Richard Pryor)
Likes: Teaching my kids pub games: Darts, Pool, Corn Hole; Fly Fishing, Bass Fishing, Aspiring Golfer, Movie Critic
“The best way to predict your future is to create it”
-- Abraham Lincoln
The Team

Alex Baer
Traffic and Production Coordinator
(a.k.a. Dog whisperer, Lil Red)
Likes: Pickleball, Yoga, Snowboarding, Painting/Arts and Crafts, Thrifting, going on long walks, trying new restaurants
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
-- Dumbledore

Kim Ballard
Client Success Hype Man, Creative Problem Solver
(a.k.a. Event Coordinator, Executive Chef, Chief Pet Scratcher)
Likes: Baking, Gaming, Nature Strolling (hiking), Travel, Spending time with friends
"Hold on to your butts."
-- Ray Arnold
“Life will find a way.”
-- Dr. Ian Malcolm
“Clever girl.”
-- Robert Muldoon

Colin Bates
Production Manager
(a.k.a. CCC: Chief Circus Clown, Cat Dad)
Likes: Movies, Cooking, MMA, hanging out with any animal
"I'm more than a sprinkle"
- Cousin Greg Hirsch, Succession

Marlaina Bean
Marketing Intern
(a.k.a. Professional Favorite (and only) Daughter)
Likes: Live music, animals, the beach.
"Everything happens for a reason."

Kara Brinson
Money Maestro
(a.k.a. Your Royal Stubbornness )
Likes: Painting, Hiking, Reading
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.”
-- Michael Scott

Keslie Darmante
Production Manager
(a.k.a. No, not Kelsie)
Likes: A delicious dinner and a walk with my husband, cuddling with my cats, Gilmore Girls, anything Harry Potter, puzzles, crocheting, reading, deep diving on reality show drama.
"I think the most romantic song is the one that Elton John wrote for that guy from Who's the Boss?... You know, 'Hold me closer, Tony Danza.'"
-- Phoebe Buffay

Dick Costa
MarTech Designer
(a.k.a. Tricky Dickie)
Likes: Pizza, anything science fiction/fantasy, photography, and living that dad life.
"Choose one making you better feeling"
- Tom Green

Caitlin Dunn
Production Manager
Professional Listener / Problem Solver
Likes: Reading, Caffeine, Finding new places to eat, Spending time with family and friends
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." - A Cinderella Story

Ray Evans
Dr. Swag
(a.k.a. Chief Correction Officer)
Likes: Surfing, Snowboarding, Golf
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength

Symphonix Brand Spokes-Cryptid
(a.k.a. Bigfoot)
Likes: Gardening, Hiking, Leaf Peeping, Alone Time.
“Believe in yourself, even when no one else will.”
-- A friend from Loch Ness

Steve Grace
Chief Experience Officer (CXO)
(a.k.a. Super Genius)
Likes: Biking, movies, barbecue
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
-- Jack Handey

Taylor Harris
Marketing Associate
(a.k.a. Cat Mom)
Likes: I enjoy hiking, spending time with friends and family, working out and reading.
"Business is a doggie dog world"
-- Michael Scott

Susanne Johnson
Swiss Army Knife... Supreme Office Manager & Guru of all things
(a.k.a. Chief Cook - Martha Stewart Lite)
Likes: I'm a recreational tennis-player, I enjoying the great outdoors; (hiking, biking, evening walks...) & experimenting in the kitchen. (a self-taught gourmet)
Mom said growing up - "Always be grateful for what you have, because there are always those around you with far less."

Alex Markle
Production Manager
(a.k.a. Single Dog Dad, Sparkle Markle)
Likes: Camping, Coaching baseball with Miracle League, Playing video games, Collecting trading cards & Supporting my sports teams (Bears, Grizzlies & Cubs)
Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it. - Ziad K. Abdelnour

Ellen McMullen
Production and Traffic Coordinator
(a.k.a. Favorite Pupper Parent)
Likes: Reading, traveling, yoga and eating good food
"I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've ever wanted."
-- Kevin Malone, The Office

Megan Montgomery
Production Manager
(a.k.a. Mother of Cats)
Likes: Knitting, crocheting, signing up for 5ks to convince myself to run, and buying craft supplies.
“There is a tiny metal thing above it. The kraken stirs. And ten billion sushi dinners cry out for vengeance.”
-- Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett

Rich Morelli
VP, Sales Northeast
(a.k.a. CGO; Chief Grilling Officer)
Likes: Golf, Swimming, College Basketball, BBQs & Cabs
"The glass is always half full..."

Catherine Murray
Service Sensei
(a.k.a. Pushover Dog Parent)
Likes: yoga, FOOD, reading, Celine Dion karaoke
"I feel God in this Chili's tonight."
-- Pam Beesley, The Office

Tara Parke
Senior Account Manager
(a.k.a. Pun Enthusiast)
Likes: Examining the menu before going out to eat, glamping, snuggling with my dog.
"Help me, I'm poor."
-- Annie, Bridesmaids

Ben Richardson
Accounting Specialist
(a.k.a. B-Rich)
Likes: Traveling, sports, exploring , and the South Carolina Gamecocks
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson

Ainsley Robinson
Account Fanager (I am my client's #1 fan!)
(a.k.a. Tidy upper & fast food picker upper)
Likes: Spending time with family, getting outdoors with the pets & experiencing new places!
John 14:27

Dino Scalia
Business Development Executive
(a.k.a. Sailor)
Likes: My Family, Friends, and Cats.
Anything to do with the Ocean
History (Modern Military)
"If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea."
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Thomas Schmitt
Sr. Sales Account Manager
(a.k.a. Cowboss)
Likes: Soccer, Golf, Snowboarding, Country Music,
"If you ain't first, you're last."
-- Ricky Bobby

Billy Shuping
Rootinest Tootinest Cowboy in the West of Accounting
(a.k.a. Billy the Kid)
Likes: Movies, Food, Discgolf, Pool, Concerts
"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."
-- Dead Poets Society

Peyton Singleton
Production Manager
(a.k.a. Your favorite DJ)
Likes: Music, Travel, Yoga, good food and better drinks, hanging with my dog and being on any beach
"Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best."
-- The Four Agreements | Miguel Ruiz

Ross Smith
Wizard of Light Bulb Moments
(a.k.a. Director of "go ask your father")
Likes: Golf, Family Time, Cold Beer and maybe a little more golf
“I’m going to give you a little advice. There’s a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball.”
-- Ty Webb (Chevy Chase)

Carol Tamayo
Senior Account Manager
(a.k.a. Dog Mom, Laundry Leader, Reality Checker, #1 Supporter)
Likes: Spending time with family, beach trips, movie watcher
Let me show you a little trick! (passed down from my grandfather to my dad to me)

Don Yeakle
Account Executive
(a.k.a. Luckiest Man Alive)
Likes: Fishing, Boating, Skeet Shooting, Cooking and Grilling, Spending time with my family. I am giving golf a second chance. Alabama Football! I love a Saturday afternoon nap.
“Let no one come to you without coming away better and happier.”
-- Mother Teresa

Hannah Warren
Production and Traffic Coordinator
(a.k.a. Reality TV Aficionado, Fashion Icon)
Likes: Reading a good book, practicing yoga and Pilates, a glass of wine, napping, and most importantly my cat.
Be thankful for the bad things in life. For they opened your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before.
-- Kermit the Frog

Kelly Wirth
MarTech Designer
(a.k.a. Professional Auntie)
Likes: DIY Crafty Stuff, Genealogy Nerd, True Crime Fan
“Don’t get bitter, just get better.”
-- RuPaul Charles